Refs templating engine
There is also a templating engine for replacing citations in your text. For example, writing [#1]
in your text will replace it with the reference with the corresponding id 1
These are the available templates:
->(Belleflamme, Lambert & Schwienbacher, 2014)
->Belleflamme, Lambert and Schwienbacher (2014)
->(Belleflamme, Lambert & Schwienbacher, 2014; Paschen, 2017)
->Belleflamme, Lambert & Schwienbacher, 2014 and Paschen, 2017
If there are three or more authors and the reference is cited a second time: [#1!] -> Belleflamme et al. (2014)
References with 6 or more authors will already be abbreviated.
refst path/to/file > path/to/output_file
refst "Pass in a string with citations [#1]." > path/to/output_file
An input file might look something like this:
[#1!] states that crowdfunding involves a general request for money ...
the output will be:
Belleflamme, Lambert and Schwienbacher (2014) states that crowdfunding involves a general request for money ...
The second time it appears in the same text:
Belleflamme et al. (2014) states that crowdfunding involves a general request for money ...
Listing all references in a text
refst list path/to/file
To download this cli, you will first need the refs cli. You can simply install it using the same method as the refs cli; using ./install.rb
You can also manually install it:
go into /usr/local/bin
(cd /usr/local/bin
in terminal) and make a link to the engine:
ln -s /path/to/clone/repo/template-engine/src/engine.rb refst