Json references file

A simple cli for generating APA-style references from a JSON file.

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Json file

The json file contains your referenes and has following structure:

    /*Reference 1*/
  }, {
    /*Reference 2*/

There are currently 2 types of references:


  "title": "Crowdfunding: tapping the right crowd",
  "authors": ["Belleflamme, P.", "Lambert, T.", "Schwienbacher, A."],
  "year": "2014",
  "journal": "Journal of busines venturing",
  "volume": 29,
  "issue": 5,
  "page": "585-609",
  "wos_link": "https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000340337400001",
  "used": true,
  "uid": 1,
  "type": "article"

wos_link is an optional field that will be ignored. used is used to determine the color of the reference. The type field is used to identify the type of the reference. volume, issue and page are optional and are respectively and integer, an integer and a string.

[1] Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T. & Schwienbacher, A. (2014). Crowdfunding: tapping the right crowd. Journal of busines venturing, 29(5), 585-609.


  "title": "Crowdfunding: An Industrial Organization Perspective",
  "authors": ["Belleflame, P.", "Lambert, T.", "Schwienbacher, A."],
  "year": "2010",
  "web_link": "https://www.economix.fr/uploads/source/doc/workshops/2010_dbm/Belleflamme_al.pdf",
  "used": false,
  "uid": 3,
  "type": "web"

For a web reference, a web_link is required.

[3] Belleflame, P., Lambert, T. & Schwienbacher, A. (2010). Crowdfunding: An Industrial Organization Perspective. Retrieved from https://www.economix.fr/uploads/source/doc/workshops/2010_dbm/Belleflamme_al.pdf.